koai lab courses

All they forgot to teach you.

You studied design, fashion or just came blind into the industry on a side track. It doesn't matter - approximately 80% of all that will come at you is a surprise. Every day feels like pandora's box finds a way to open and dead bodies keep coming out of that closet. The most frustrated thing! 

This is why I created the digital courses. These are small courses to boost all them skills that you need to run a creative business but no-one told you were needed. Let me help you to avoid the surprise factor, and build consistency & efficiency in your brand. A big part will focus on you - but in the end, you are the heart and soul of your brand to starters - so if this doesn't work, you lost. 
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Empty space, drag to resize

Designer, Maker, Brand, Artisan, Boutique... 

Koai Lab digital COURSES

This is for you! After almost 2 decades elbows deep into the creative industry and running my own business for about 7 years, I actually know how you feel. My courses are built to not overload you when not needed, you're busy enough. Decide what topic is most burning, sign up - take a glass of wine and dive in. 
  • Use your own business as the business case, implement your learnings directly
  • Valid industry expertise - I've done the legwork and understand you, your struggles and your possibilities. 
  • Learn when it suits you best, e.g. after a days work on the sofa with a glass wine. (ps. Wine always helps!)
  • You have 24/7 access 
  • Learn with others in our community while having the ability to share your learnings individually for private input
“Arinda’s depth of expertise on the inner operations of manufacturing helped me prioritize my needs and evaluate my shortcomings effectively and realistically. Her guidance and tools go much further the general and too surface resources that I’ve found in the past. Beyond that, her calm and understanding nature makes her easy to work with– a discussion with Arinda helps ease the stress of a startup business.”

Katie M. 

Founding sister MIRTH (USA)
“Arinda empfinde ich als sehr professionell und geht auf die individuellen Wünsche sehr gut ein. Mit ihren Erfahrungen und Tools hat sie mir für meinen Start sehr viel geholfen. Ich würde sie sofort weiterempfehlen.”

Chris M. 

Founder OUR & Photographer (CH)
“I’m not always doing the full exercises but already feel more zen reading the supporting texts 🙏”

Marie Gallagher. 

“The process with Koai Lab enabled my business to consistently professionalize step by step. All topics I touch are reviewed, optimized in detail, and enhanced by multiple templates that I now use daily to track and run my business. After this process I felt more than ready to get going! Koai Lab helped me to professionalize and functioned as a true creative catalyst with financial backbone.”

Yael Anders


As there is more than numbers to excel. 

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Empty space, drag to resize
KOAI courses

Stop reinventing your Brand

You feel like you are resetting and rediscovering your brand every week. 

You :
  • redesign your gram and socials consistently,
  • rephrase your brand proposition,
  • question your product strategy,
  • question how to move away from your current design language,
  • question yourself... 

Let me help you with support of an umbrella (yep an umbrella!) to create brand & product clarity for the long run. This will give you direction, confidence and more profit potential - how this works? Sign up today! 
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How does it all work and what do I get?

You don't have loads of time on your hands - so let me help you with these courses to gain time back! Time to do what you should be doing, selling & having fun - so you can refocus back on being innovatively creative. 
When you have subscribed to the course you have access to this straight up and can start! Most exercises are managed digitally (saving them trees) and you can download in pdf for your own records after. But if you are the pen and paper person you can also easily have this at hand and work it.
2. you follow through step by step
 I recommend to follow through the course step by step, even though you might feel confident to skip along. There are many valuable tips and tricks in between that impact multiple phases of your business. From video's, to text, to exercises - all is there to work through the thematic with ease.
3. at your own pace and 
You can start and stop when you like, nothing is lost. You also have the ability to highlight certain sections in the fast amount of knowledge. These highlights you can then find back in your personal notebook. This makes it easier to find these sections back at a later stage.
4. You're not alone!
If you are feeling stuck or need help with something, you have free access to myself and a sexy community of peers & professionals who are happy to lend a hand. You won't find that anywhere else! I believe that learning together is more effective and more fun - avoiding reinventing the wheel twice.


I'm not sure, I've a question.

Sometimes you are just lost in the woods and need a little guidance on what road is best for you. Let me know what you're struggling with and I'll guide you very fair and transparent into the direction that could work best for you. I handle all these requests personal, so no lurking eyes - all confidential.
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