Find your Super Powers!

it's time for a confident you!
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Are you trying to reset your brand every season? Are you trying to create a new product category but somehow don't find a fit within your current business model? You got offered a cool new business idea, and you really tick hard for it - but don't know how to incorporate it with what you do now? Starting another venture to accommodate this, no one has time for that! And letting go what I started, definitely not an option!

Let's together discover where your true opportunities lay. As you might not see them now - but deep down you have to turn some little wheels and out of the blue all fits together. Let's rip the band-aid off and dive deep into your super powers, and how these can bring back happiness, clarity and business growth. 
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" I’m not always doing the full exercises but already feel more zen reading the supporting texts 🙏"

Marie Gallagher


Quick workshops with videos, exercises, and know-how to deepdive and own it!
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Our quickies - rooted solid in the 7 years of Koai Lab existence. A quick way to turn your business around. To get yourself in the best place to perform and deliver. To get a swift grip on where you will make the largest difference, and where focus should be to outright OWN IT!

Do It Yourself - today.

templates and formats to help you run your business - follow the manual and we guide you step by step
Our Lab Kits - downloaded and shared already numerous times helping starting & growing brands to bring clarity in their business. From getting a feel for your numbers and where to play best with our budget kit. To improving your supplier communication and output with our Tech packs. Just one step away from making the difference - today. 

Direct impact.

when you understand better, you react better and have greater impact
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You're the one during your first buyers meeting screaming yes to a 3.3 mark-up - whoops! Or you are working with a supplier and all they throw at you are FOBs, LADs and you don't know where to start... Let us help you understanding all of this a little bit better including the impact saying yes or no to something.
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